Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out about price and availability?

For questions about price and availability please contact our office at 978-655-9502 between 8:00am – 5:00pm (EST) or by e-mailing

Is my order covered under a warranty?

Component Dynamics warrants that the fit, form and function of all products will conform to the specifications of its customer’s purchase order for a period of 30 days from the date of delivery.

How do I return a product?

Customers may return products by obtaining a return material authorization number from Component Dynamics by contacting our office at 978-655-9502 between 8:00am – 5:00pm (EST) or by e-mailing

When will my order ship?

Stocked items ship same day upon receipt of payment and/or approval of credit terms. Subject to cut-off at 2:30 pm EST. All products quoted as available with lead-time will ship subject to transit-time from their respective location as per terms of quotation.

Are orders inspected prior to shipment?

Prior to shipment all products must pass a rigorous multistage ISO 9001:2015 quality inspection process including visual, microscopic, product specification comparison, and surface contamination inspection.

Have a question about your order?

If you need assistance with an existing order, please contact our office at 978-655-9502 between 8:00am – 5:00pm (EST) or by e-mailing

Where are Component Dynamics products acquired?

Component Dynamics carefully sources products from a network of approved vendors including original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), contract manufacturers (CMs), electronic manufacturing service providers (EMS), and distributors that meet strict quality guidelines and evaluation criteria aimed at counterfeit prevention including GIDEP and ERAI databases as well as customer referrals (Using AS5553 as a guide).